Italy Travel Experience By Indian !
Going to Italy? Check out these essential travel tips before you go! Avoid being the typical tourist, blend in with the locals, and find out everything you need to know about Italy.
I think Italy is one of the most beautiful countries you will ever visit.
From the fantastic food to the spectacular history, there is so much to do and see that it’s easy to get lost.
It’s not a surprise that with all its art, culture, and natural beauty, Italy is the leader of the UNESCO World Heritage.
Whether you are planning your first visit to Italy or are a regular traveller, there are some things you should know that will make your trip to Italy easier. Italians are lovely and warm but tend to be very traditional in certain habits!
Table of Contents
1. There is a time for coffee .
2. Only go to restaurant that display menu in Italian .
3. Don’t ask for tap water in a Restaurant .
4. But Get free water around the big Cities.
5. Breakfast will be a sweet start to the day.
6. Never ask an Italian to share.
7. Basic Language To Use.
8. Driving around is fun.. but keep an eye out for holes.
9. OH , And don’t trust the GPS .
10. When to Go to Italy.
11. Festivals in Italy
There is a time for coffee.
Italians do love their coffee. But there is a perfect time in the day for drinking it.
You never drink coffee during a meal. But you can have a coffee after a meal.
Cappuccino is only for breakfast; you should never drink it past 11:00 am. If you ask for a cappuccino after a meal at a restaurant, or worst, with a meal, don’t be surprised if they look at you like you come from Mars. 🤩
Latte in Italian means milk, so if you order a latte in a bar, you will get a glass of hot milk…not very exciting.
If you want what you call a latte, you need to order a “latte macchiato,” milk with coffee.
Only go to restaurants that display menus in Italian.
We gave this tip to many friends, and they said it was the best travel tip to eat well in Italy.
This tip mainly works if you are planning to visit busy touristic places like Rome, Florence, and Venice.
And it works only there because you will never find an English menu anywhere else in Italy, anyway!
Although the food in Italy is simply amazing, you can still find places that serve awful meals. If you want to eat really good Italian food, avoid restaurants that display an English menu outside at all costs (especially if they have pictures of food, too!).
You might be tempted to go there because you will see some dishes you are familiar with or think you at least understand the ingredients.
Remember: the best Italian food can only be found in restaurants with Italian menus.
And on the same note, avoid eating next to tourist places. There are plenty of little gems often hidden just a few steps away, so avoid sitting next to the Trevi fountain or the Coliseum.
Don't ask for tap water in a Restaurant.
Or…I should say: you can ask for it, but you won’t get it!
In Italy, restaurants will always serve bottled water; if you ask for tap water, you will get an awful look. Most places simply won’t give it to you and will just charge you for bottled water.
You are much better off drinking wine. Plus, you are in Italy anyway, and wine tastes better than water.
If you want cheap but good wine, always ask for “vino della casa.” It usually comes in half-a-litre or litre jugs, and it’s local.
Oh, and before I forget! Having ice in your drinks, it’s a very American thing to do. If you want ice in your water, you need to ask for it!
But Get free water around the big Cities
You will always find water fountains around the main squares in big cities like Rome, Florence, and Venice. Bring empty reusable bottles and fill them with fresh drinking water.
Breakfast will be a sweet start to the day.
Italians typically have a sweet breakfast. They never have salty food at the beginning of the day. If you go to international hotels, I am sure you will find English breakfast or cold meats, but please don’t be disappointed by the choice and embrace the local culture, especially if you are staying in a small B&B.
An authentic Italian breakfast in a bar is made of:
- Coffee or Cappuccino
- Cornetto (similar to a Croissant)
- An orange juice
In hotels and B&B, you will also find fresh fruit, yogurt, cereals, bread, and jam.
Never ask an Italian to share .
Asking an Italian to share a pizza is like asking an Irish man to share his beer.
Italians love their food. We are passionate about each plate we consume, so sharing a meal isn’t really something we love to do.
This goes not only for pizza but for pretty much anything else. Please don’t ask me to share…
Basic Language To Use
Everyone knows Ciao, but remember that Ciao is a very informal way of saying hello. When you walk in shops, or you are greeting older people, make sure you use:
- Buongiorno (Good morning)
- Buona Sera (Good evening)
Another couple of words worth remembering are:
- Grazie (Thank you)
- Non capisco (I don’t understand)
And you should only say Bravo to men. If you want to praise a lady, remember to say Brava!
Driving around is fun.. but keep an eye out for holes.
Driving around Italy can be a bit crazy. Traffic is quite chaotic, especially in cities like Rome and Naples.
Public transport is a much easier stress-free alternative than driving in big cities.
And I know Italians have a reputation for being quite ‘enthusiastic’ drivers. But if you are visiting the countryside, like Tuscany, the Alps or the Northern lakes, driving a car is the best way to see the beautiful scenery around Italy.
And only by driving around will you discover some fantastic hidden gems along the way.
But ensure you always keep an eye out for holes in the road ahead. Road maintenance isn’t one of the highest priorities in Italy, especially if you are driving on small countryside roads.
OH, And don't trust the GPS .
Yes, this is a great one. I know Google Maps is excellent. But Italy is full of surprises — she says after she had to pay for several tickets…
Always pay attention to the signs, especially when you get closer to the city center. It’s full of “zona traffic limitato.” These are areas that only locals can enter at certain times of the day.
Your navigation system might not be aware of these areas and often gives you directions that might end up with a ticket.
When to Go to Italy.
Italy’s best travel months are May, June, September, and October. They’re also the busiest and most expensive time to visit (with the north remaining just as busy throughout midsummer). Crowds aside, these months combine the convenience of peak season with pleasant weather.
Festivals in Italy
- Beware: Festival dates are often not posted online until just before the event (or may even be posted incorrectly, especially in Italy). Verify the correct festival dates before planning a trip around a specific festival. For more information about these and other events, visit the official tourism site for Italy.
See You Soon….